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Estate Sapphire Collection

To celebrate the launching of my website, there is a 25% discount off all sapphires in the 'Estate Sapphire Sale' Collection.

This is a collection of sapphires that was hand mind and faceted by a gentleman over 22 years.

I have been commissioned to sell these gems on behalf of the Estate Collection owner.

Some of these gems are amazing and rare colours, others have small imperfections, (mostly very difficult to see) while others are more common colours. All are priced accordingly.

This collection offers a great opportunity for a beautiful Sapphire at a bargain price.

There will be more in this collection available over the next couple of months as sales progress. I am only handling a portion of the collection at any 1 time. There is approximately 350 sapphires in this collection along with some Australian topaz and zircons.

The Estate collection will be a temporary inclusion on my website, and I will be working at assessing and posting these gems over the next several months.

I will be putting some of these smaller stones into parcels.

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